Cristin Bailey-2014 Climb Against the Odds Team Member

Cristin Bailey-2014 Climb Against the Odds Team Member

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

TRAINING so far....

So I did just three races this summer/fall: Old Port Half Marathon, Wildman Biathlon (team hiker) and the Greenstride Half Marathon.  These races keep me running so when I went to sign up for a December half and it was full guess who stopped running?  Luckily I have been playing soccer once a week since August and now play twice a week (more on that soon!) so at least I have something I am committed to.  I still need more and hope to get sponsored by a gym with membership so I can do more and share more.

I really want to help inspire others to get active.  I struggle with this myself and am lucky that work keeps me pretty active (more on that soon too!) but this time of year is RUGGED.  Who's with me?  I will keep you posted with my activities.  Mount Shasta is not something you do off the couch from what I understand and did I mention I turn 40 on summit day?  More to come on training!!!!

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